Welcome LeBron Fans!
Take These Free Guides And Achieve Your Own BIG GOALS

As I wrote in my recent blog post (POFFbook.com/lebrons-big-goals), LeBron James has set a few big goals for himself. Now it is our turn. I am here to help you achieve your goals, whatever they may be.
Below are two free resources for you. The first is the goal-setting guide from my new book. While the chapter is meant to help you achieve financial freedom, the system can be used to accomplish anything.
For those of you with financial goals, I have included the first six chapters of Pirates of Financial Freedom. The book is the first of its kind: an adventure novel that teaches over seventy personal finance skills and concepts. It is meant for young adults and adults.
Free Goal-Setting Guide
How do you set an effective goal? How can you dramatically increase your chances of achieving it? What is a simple system you can use to keep you on track? This bonus chapter reveals a simple step-by-step process you can use to achieve BIG DREAMS.

First Six Chapters
Is your goal to achieve financial freedom? Then take these first six chapters and get ready to experience a financial literacy adventure unlike any other! This is the exciting beginning to a new way of learning called financial edutainment. In between sword fights, character conflict, plot twists, and a blossoming romance, you will learn important fundamental skills and concepts that can take you to the next level financially.
If you are committed to taking control of your financial life right now, then I will help you out even more. Below is a $5 coupon that you can use on this site to buy a copy of Pirates of Financial Freedom (it is valid for the hardcover and eBook). It is the most entertaining way for you to master your finances, and it includes cutting-edge concepts that aren't found in other finance books. You can use the code cc53c2af10ebc6d on POFFbook.com. Feel free to share it with fellow LeBron fans who could also benefit from better money-management skills.

May your treasure chest overflow with all the riches you desire,
I thought your goal setting guide was good. Thanks for sharing.