The Power of Financial Edutainment
I love America. This is the best nation in the history of the world, filled with limitless opportunity and many wonderful people. But America has a problem. Too many are stressed and confused about their finances because they lack the necessary knowledge to know what to do about it. It is not their fault. Not everyone is privileged enough to have a mentor qualified to teach them these important skills. As for why that is the case, we can point the finger many places. But I am not one for looking backwards; I am about looking forward.
Personal finance has only become more complicated over the years, and for most people the solution involves reading a boring book that lectures them on what they should be doing differently. You can’t blame people for not wanting to read books like that. Is there a better way? Yes, and it is called financial edutainment.
Think of the various elements that make us love fiction and non-fiction. An unexpected plot, lovable characters, a roller coaster ride of emotion, an escape from reality. Learning from the experience of others, broadening our horizons, acquiring new skills, increasing our intelligence. These do not need to be mutually exclusive. Imagine the possibilities if we combine them.
That is what makes financial edutainment so powerful. But those aren’t the only benefits. It teaches finance in a way that is less intimating, more memorable, easier to understand, and it’s just simply more fun. I am confident that financial edutainment can make a real difference in the lives of many people. It can make them more confident about managing their money, provide for a brighter future, and help them achieve the financial life of their dreams.
Get ready America: financial edutainment has arrived!
Joey Fehrman
Author, Pirates of Financial Freedom
Click here for entertaining excerpts
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