Why LeBron’s Big Goals Have Always Made Him My Favorite Player


By Joey Fehrman

A Surprising Place to See LeBron

LeBron James became my favorite back in 2007 in the most surprising of places. I was at Warren Buffett’s annual shareholder meeting, and before each meeting he plays a half-hour of entertaining video clips. To my surprise, one of these clips had LeBron James playing basketball against seventy-seven-year-old Warren Buffett! I simply stared in amazement and wondered how this came about.

One of LeBron’s First Big Goals

I later learned that LeBron had big dreams for himself: he wanted to become the first billionaire athlete, and he reached out to Warren Buffett to get advice on business and investing. I love it when people set big goals and then take action to achieve them.  LeBron has been my favorite player ever since.

He Helped Inspire Me to Become An Author

I have spent several months writing my book and starting my own company and website.  In fact, I recently quit my job to pursue my dreams of being my own boss. But throughout this process, doubts have often found their way into my head. During these times I have turned to LeBron for inspiration because I know he will never quit. I would go to YouTube and watch his highlights. I would see the fire in his eyes, and I know that fire will burn hotter than ever now that he is returning home. After seeing his relentless drive, I say to myself, you know what, I think I can achieve my goals after all. No, scratch that.  I KNOW I can.  

His New and Even Bigger Goals

LeBron wants a Cleveland championship, but he isn’t stopping there. He has even bigger goals. In his letter he says “I want kids in Northeast Ohio, like the hundreds of Akron third-graders I sponsor through my foundation, to realize that there’s no better place to grow up. Maybe some of them will come home after college and start a family or open a business. That would make me smile. Our community, which has struggled so much, needs all the talent it can get.”

Doing My Small Part to Help LeBron Succeed

Well, LeBron, let me do my small part. I have no connection to Ohio, but I want to see you succeed. I believe that one of the foundations to a thriving community is financial literacy. I have written the first ever adventure novel that teaches personal finance skills to young adults and adults in an entertaining way (see samples here). LeBron, simply tell me how many books you would like to help you on your mission to improve Northeast Ohio, and I will send them to you for free. Not only that, but 10% of all sales from my book are dedicated to charity, so for the next month, I will give that entire 10% to your LeBron James Family Foundation.

It’s Time for You to Achieve Your Dreams

To the fans of LeBron James: don’t read this passively. Take this as an opportunity to set your own BIG GOALS. Spend a few minutes to figure out what your dream life would look like. In order to help you succeed, I am making my goal-setting chapter available to you for free.  You can use its structure to achieve whatever you want.  For those of you wanting to be financially free, I have made the first six chapters of my book available to you at no cost.  You can get both of these at round2future.staging.wpengine.com/lebron. I hope these small gifts can make a big impact in your life.

Take Action and Never Give Up, Just Like LeBron

Let’s all join LeBron in setting ambitious goals and taking action on them. Look to him for inspiration, never give up, and don’t accept anything less than victory. And then let’s cheer for him as he turns his BIG GOALS into realities!

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